
March 24th, 2015

马来西亚登嘉楼大学 (UMT)

你去过登嘉楼吗?说到登嘉楼你会联想到什么?海龟?海水?热浪岛?浪中岛?夏日么么茶?当然这些都是登嘉楼的重要标志,但是你知道登嘉楼有一所拥有自己的岛屿和沙滩的国立大学吗?这所大学还拥有四所闻名国内的研究机构,分别是Institute of Oceanography,Institute of Tropical Aquaculture,Institute of Marine Biotechnology,Centre of Socialeconomic Development和 Institute of Sustainable Livelihood and Natural Resource Management,还有红树林研究单位和闻名国内外的海龟研究单位。这所国立大学就是马来西亚登嘉楼大学(UMT),简称登大。





说到登大拥有的岛屿—Pulau Bidong,绝对是可以和热浪岛媲美的美丽岛屿。当然Pulau Bidong 不是商业用途的岛屿所以岛上并没有美观的旅馆和娱乐设施,它有的是大自然的风景。清澈见底的海水,到处可见的珊瑚以及五颜六色的小鱼绝对是让人流连忘返的。这个岛屿其实是海洋科系专用的实验场地,不过不是海洋系的学生也不需要失望,只要是登大的学生,一定会踏上这个岛屿至少一次。大学的后面就是一大片的沙滩,很多团体的活动都在此进行,学生们也很喜欢到沙滩去散步,幸运的话还可以看到“蓝眼泪”。




The National University of Singapore (NUS) 是新加坡的第一所高等学府,其前身是一所成立于1905年的海峡殖民地医学学校。发展至今,新加坡国大已是一所共有16个学院的综合型研究大学。位于Kent Ridge,新加坡西南部,离市中心12公里,距东郊樟宜机场(Changi Airport)30分钟车程。校区占地150公顷,前身是殖民地时代英军驻新加坡Pasir Panjang空军基地。校区被Kent Ridge大致分为前后两部分,前部为学区、行政楼、和康乐设施;后部主要是研究所和学生公寓。校区毗邻新加坡科学园(Singapore Science Park),新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)和国立大学医院(National University Hospital),科研条件十分便利。

Faculties and Schools Courses Available

-Arts and Social Sciences                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (人文社会) 中文、中文研究、传播和新媒体、经济学、英文、英国文学、欧洲研究、地理、历史、日本研究、马来西亚研究、哲学、政治学、心理学、社会工作、社会学、南亚研究、东南亚研究、剧场研究

-Business (商科) Business Administration (经营管理)
Business Administration (Accountancy) (经营管理【会计】)
Computing (计算) 通信和媒体、计算生物学、计算工程、计算科学、计算(商业或技术焦点)、电子商务、信息系统

-Dentistry (牙科)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           牙医专业

-Design and Environment

 马来西亚理科大学 (Universiti Sains Malaysia, USM)


• 文学荣誉学士学位,可选择主修:英文、马来文、地理、历史、文学
• 文学荣誉学士学位(英文与文学)
• 文学荣誉学士学位(翻译与理解)
• 社会科学荣誉学士学位,可选择主修:人类与社会学、经济学、政治科学、发展计划与管理
• 社会科学荣誉学士学位(社工)

• 音乐荣誉学士学位(表演艺术与教育概论)
• 文学荣誉学士学位(纯美术)
• 纯艺术荣誉学士学位(演艺与导演)
• 纯艺术荣誉学士学位(图像传播)
• 纯艺术荣誉学士学位(新媒体工艺设计)
• 纯艺术荣誉学士学位(产品设计)
传播学院 • 大众传播荣誉学士学位

• 会计荣誉学士学位
• 管理荣誉学士学位,可选择主修:企业管理、市场行销、金融、营运管理、国际贸易

• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(模拟数学)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(应用统计)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(数学与经济)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(模拟电脑)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(作业研究)
• 理学荣誉学士学位(数学)

• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划) – 建筑管理
• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划)- 绘测
• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划) – 城市与区域规划
• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划) – 材料估量
• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划) – 室内设计
• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划) – 建筑工艺
• 理学荣誉学士学位 (房屋 ,建筑与策划) – 建筑估量

• 文学与教育荣誉学士学位,可选择主修:英文、马来文、地理、历史、商业与会计、经济学、文学
• 理学教育荣誉学士学位,可选择主修:数学、物理、生物、化学
• 特殊教育荣誉学士学位
• 英语教学教育荣誉学士学位

• 电脑科学荣誉学士学位

• 药剂荣誉学士学位

• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(应用物理)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(地质物理)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(医学物理)
• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(物理工程)
• 理学荣誉学士学位(物理)

• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(应用生物),可选择主修:生物工艺、农业生物学、水产生物学、环境生物学、生物与媒介昆虫、寄生虫管理学
• 理学荣誉学士学位(生物),可选择主修:微生物学、 植物学、 动物学

• 应用科学荣誉学士学位(鉴定化学)
• 应用理学荣誉学士学位(工业化学)
• 理学荣誉学士学位(化学)

• 工艺荣誉学士学位(食品工艺)
• 工艺荣誉学士学位(生物程序)
• 工艺荣誉学士学位(生物资源、造纸与密封工艺)
• 工艺荣誉学士学位(环境工艺)

• 文学荣誉学士学位(英文专业语言)

• 工程荣誉学士学位(土木工程)

• 工程荣誉学士学位(电子工程)
• 工程荣誉学士学位(电机工程)
• 工程荣誉学士学位(电子机械工程)

• 工程荣誉学士学位(化学工程)

• 工程荣誉学士学位(机械工程)
• 工程荣誉学士学位(制造工程与管理)

• 工程荣誉学士学位(宇航工程)

• 工程荣誉学士学位(矿物资源工程)
• 工程荣誉学士学位(物质工程)
• 工程荣誉学士学位(高分子聚合物)

• 牙科学士学位

• 医学学士学位

• 卫生荣誉学士学位(生物医学)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(放射性治疗)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(饮食治疗)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(听力学)
• 理学荣誉学士学位(鉴证科学)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(护理课程)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(语言治疗)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(运动科学与体育)
• 卫生荣誉学士学位(营养学)



International Languages Teacher Training Institution aka IPBA

Many people had asked me this question: “Why do you want to be a teacher?”. When the word ‘teacher’ comes to your mind, what is the first thing you think of? School? That it’s boring? Fierce? The job that will never appear in my career list? I do not know about you, but when my mother told me to sign up for teaching course, I was reluctant. Like many people I know, I had my own dreams. Among all the jobs in the world, teaching was never my first, second or even third option. It’s not even the tenth! I could not even picture myself as a teacher. But after I had enrolled for the course, I felt differently.

I know many of you would not agree with me, but teachers are really our second parents. They may be strict, but it is because they wish for us to succeed in life; they may scold us in the class, it is because they want us to learn and correct our mistakes; they may seem to go against us, it is because they care about us. But why do we never realize it? It is because we never give them a chance to open our hearts. We give the teachers names, avoid them, argue with them, because we can only see the bad side of them and not at the good side of them. Being a teacher is never easy, especially teachers nowadays where they not only need to teach, but also to handle a lot of paper works.

Let me stop rattling for now and tell you about my life in a Teacher’s Training Institution called the International Languages Teacher Training Institution aka IPBA, which is situated in Kuala Lumpur, just right beside University Malaya (UM). There are twenty- eight teacher’s training Institution (IPG) in Malaysia, and three are located in Kuala Lumpur.

Before one can master the art, one must have the foundation of it. The same goes to one becoming a teacher. Teaching has never been an easy job (seriously). Not only a teacher must master the subject they are teaching, they need to understand the students whom they are facing. But before they learn the perks of being a teacher, they need to master the subject they are teaching. So, before pursuing for a degree course in teaching, you will need to study for a foundation course first. Every student in IPG needs to go through one and a half year of foundation studies, which is equivalent to three semesters of foundation studies (there are two semesters each year). Different subjects are offered with different courses in foundation. For example, I am a TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) student. So when I was taking the foundation course, I had Social Studies, Language Development, Language Description, and English Studies as my four subjects. In foundation, they helped me improve my four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). There is also going for camping trips as recreational sports where we are been tested for our skills to survive in the outdoors. I remembered once when my class was in charge of cooking duties during one of our trips, it was a disaster. Most of us did not know how to cook, and when it came to washing the fish, none of us dared to do it. We were glad some of the students from the other class helped us out, it was a miracle we managed to pull it off.

After passing the foundation final papers, we have to continue with the degree programme. There are always four major papers every semester, the subjects will be different. But one thing for sure, two of them will be English subjects and the other two will be about education. For the English subjects, it is five months for one semester. Life while taking a degree course is a very difficult one as we need to study and understand the subjects offered very well. Every day is a new challenge for us to discover and unfold the secret of knowledge.

Lecturers in the institution and teachers from school play very different rules. In school we have teachers who spoon-feed us with knowledge and information. Here, the lecturers just lecture, they will not give you any extra information as they expect us to find them ourselves. The notes they give are minimal and we need to pay attention during lecturers to absorb every information. They stress on high order thinking skills rather than memorizing skills. It is to train us to become better teachers in the future.

Time can never be managed, you can only managed what you need to do.
We also have a lot of fun activities and sports competitions held in our institution. One of the few major events like Sports Day is always anticipated eagerly by the students. Another programme that is much anticipated is the Cheerleading Competition. Most students will come down to the field and watch the event. As the TESL group is the biggest group in my institution (90% of the students are TESL students), English Week and TESL Night are the major events every year. During English Week, we have many activities such as language games, storytelling competition, poetry recital, chorus speaking competition and many more. Many of us burn the midnight oil in preparating for that one week. There is also TESL Night held in the hall where we get to watch performances in English and performed by the TESL students. And every year, there is also a play which will be organised by the foundation course Semester Two’s students, they will usually perform one of Shakespeare’s plays.

Being there may be tough as the institude wants to train good quality teachers, but the life there is also fun as I experienced many different kinds of things and had gone through many different kinds of challenges. Never once had I regretted going into the Teacher Training Institute.




1. 收集资料,了解市场上提供哪些科系:参观教育展、参阅广告、收集资料册子,并与学府的辅导员详谈。
2. 比较所收集到的资料。这包括了课程、入学资格、时间、所颁发的文凭、认证、费用(学费、报名费、图书馆费、实验室   费、杂费)、地点、硬体设备、讲师阵容、学生纪录。将比较所得制成图表,可做出有系统的分析。
3. 过滤、缩小选择范围。亲临有关学府去确定上述各项的资料。
4. 向曾经或正在有关学府念书的学子,及拥有有关资讯的人查询资料的可信度。
5. 确定自己是否有足够的经济能力。
6. 确认自己的学术能力。
7. 知晓自己有兴趣的领域。
8. 做出明智的决定。



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